Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

Fight Club, The Matrix, Sixth Sense, The Iron Giant... oh yeah, all those came out in 1999 AKA the greatest year for movies ever

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

Princess Mononoke will be my vote since there’s so many hearts that will get a lot of mentions.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

Don't you love those eggs? They cost a literal fortune, but well worth it if you don't need the extra money for things like gas, health-care, or what-not. Normally when I buy the more green, eco/earth/planet/animal-friendly alternatives I do it for my own conscience but honestly can't tell a difference.. but these eggs are different. The shells are harder, the yolk much brighter, and my egg sandwich yummier. And then you get the chicken-web cam so you can gaze and get a live view of who may well be the mother of your sandwich.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

The 90's are pretty much owned by the Coen Brothers, IMO, but my choice would be Miller's Crossing.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

Cue the film bro answers. (And of course I’m one of them.) In order to shake things up, I have to shout out a classic that gets rediscovered constantly by the masses, not just us snobs: Clueless - the best Jane Austen adaptation ever.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

Both because I love it and because I have to aim for the one you likely are not including: THE HUDSUCKER PROXY.

I love The Hudsucker Proxy so much.

But my real answer is Rushmore, my favorite movie of the 1990s and my favorite movie of all decades.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

That weird little gnome thing has me deciding for this question I'm answering Gremlins 2. It barely makes the cut being 1990, but those little bastards are too fun. I can't imagine how crazy it was after seeing the first one where they're just evil, to all the different weird little dudes they cooked up. I distinctly only remember the flasher and the lady gremlin. I encourage everyone to share their favorite gremlin!

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

So many to choose from...

“12 Monkeys”...

“Silence of the Lambs” and “Terminator 2” come to mind.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

Another hard one. Malcolm X, Menace To Society, Matrix, Goodfellas, Casino, Something About Mary, Terminator 2, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction...The winner for me because it was so damn different has to be Being John Malkovich.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

My two favorite flicks, Clerks & Reservoir Dogs, came out in the 90’s! I also fell out of the womb early that decade- what a party, the internet was young and Facebook free, we played outside and pandemics were no match for Dustin Hoffman and Renee Russo... kinda. Great Spectators pages too! Can’t wait to learn more about those new spirits!!

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

The Fifth Element

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

The Nightmare Before Christmas. Brilliant movie and one that I rewatch every year.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon


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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon

Goodfellas is my favorite of the 90's, easily. Probably my second-favorite movie ever behind The Wizard of Oz. Hey, I'm eclectic!

It's gorgeously shot with a perfect cast, a nonstop script that's infinitely quotable, and one of the very best soundtracks of all time. It's a movie that I can put on at any time, in any mood, and be solidly entertained from "As long as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster" through to "I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook" while Sid Vicious covers My Way.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon


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