Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

The last museum I visited was our local one here in town, because my middle school aged daughter had a piece displayed as part of an exhibit. It was so cool and exciting seeing it on the wall and the look on her face was priceless I was such a proud father at that moment.

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

About 2 months ago went to see an unexpectedly underwhelming one about the interplay of nature and art and I was in and out in 30 mins. However, the one that Denver Art Museum did of Monet collected works about 5 years ago lives rent-free in my head. Bonus entry- Saw the Mahomes 'flu game' last year, also unexpectedly underwhelming.

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

I don't have any leads, though I suspect if anyone does it will be someone in these comments!

What I DO have is more questionable at best decisions from the admins in my library system. They've decided that, for banned books week this year, they are going to ✨censor the words we can use✨. This has gone over about as well as you can expect. Essentially they want us to only use "positive language" (no "banned books" here!) - and only use the materials they provide (rather than making our own displays). My branch is known for being the troublesome branch, so obviously we're figuring out exactly how we can toe this line in the most obnoxious ways possible. We'll see how this goes!

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Sep 10Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

As a fellow library worker, that is bonkers. Let's fight censorship with MORE censorship! Good luck with the malicious compliance

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Sep 11Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Isn't it actually insane!? This administration also said that pages weren't worth paying more because they're "not concerned about retention" and that they're easily replaceable.

Our union has just begun renegotiations on that one.

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Sep 11Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

That makes no sense at all

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The last museum visit was The Art Institute of Chicago last year. They had a great Dalí exhibit at the time. I'm overdue for a trip to the Detroit Institute of Art.

My last in-person sporting event was last week! A fun minor league baseball game for our Utica Unicorns. It's was part of my son's 10th birthday celebrations. They have a bat dog. It's pretty great.

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

I love both of those museums and spent a lot of time between the two growing up (in Michigan)!

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Guardians game in the land a couple weeks ago, but heading to DC next week and are really looking forward to the Sackler gallery to see Staging the Supernatural: Ghosts and the Theater in Japanese Prints. Any other advice for places to hit up?

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Sep 10Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

The National Gallery is always stunning and free. It is too big to see everything. A true national treasure.

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Sep 10Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Are you an artist? If so, and you do the C&J art show in December, I won one of your covers.

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Sep 10Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Too many of us Skelly’s out there but not me this time! Thanks for the advice below on Ditko!

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Sep 10Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Oh, and while in DC, you might like to go the the Library of Congress and check out Steve Ditko's original artwork from AF 15.

You can go here and request a time, and Sara Duke is the curator and expert on the Ditko art. She was awesome! https://ask.loc.gov/prints-photographs

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

I was in the Modern Art section of the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art (in Bentonville, Arkansas), when I noticed a lady leading an entourage of women towards a Basquiat painting. As I recall, in a Southern drawl, the lady explained how the museum had persuaded her to "take it down from her wall." I later learned I had been in the presence of Walmart heiress (and Crystal Bridges founder) Alice Walton.

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Was an interesting audiovisual journey across the world via music in a local museum of musical history.

Wish I had more time to visit museums

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Just this weekend I saw ANTI-ICON: APOKALYPSIS by Martine Gutierrez, self-portraits photography of the artist as iconic women from myth, religion, and history. She's an incredibly funny, provocative queer artist. She recently played Venesja in the HBO show Fantasmas, and she absolutely stole every scene she was in. It was very fun and overwhelming to see her personal work.

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Sep 10Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

LOVE FANTASMAS!!! I didn't know this about Gutierrez and now I'm excited to look up this work

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My wife and I's 'thing' has actually become going to museums of all types. The National World War I Museum here in Kansas City is the latest. A sobering look at how nationalism can go horrifically wrong. The last art museum was the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy back in May. It was an experience that never felt quite real. Like, you're in this hallway with busts from Ancient Rome, then you walk in a room and BAM there's The Birth of Venus. You walk in the next room and there's several DaVinci's, and then Michaelangelo in the room after that. You go down a floor and there's room after room of Vermeer's and the other Dutch Masters. It's one of those experiences, which followed a week at a converted still-owned-by-the-Medici's farmhouse learning from a master watercolor artist, that fundamentally changed me in the most wonderful of ways.

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

IS this the sound performance you were seeking?


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You did it, Rocco! Amazing pull, thanks.

(Sad to listen to this opening from the late Philip Seymour Hoffman though…)

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Hey it's the least I can do for all the great art you guys do. And the newsletter

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Sep 10Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Well that was crazy. I listened to the whole thing and now heading back to listen to the Sawbones portion again.

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Sep 10Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Oh yay, I can't wait to listen! Thanks thanks!

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Sep 10Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Hooray, you found it! Thank you so much, Rocco,I had given up hope of ever listening to it again! And thanks BKV for sharing my question and thus finally bringing by quest to an end. Man, am I going to miss all of you incredible people when the tower shuts down ….

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

The Cardiff Devils hammer the Sheffield Steelers 4-0 earlier this year. It was especially wonderful because if the Steelers had won, they would have won the league in our hut. So instead we delayed the inevitable by a week, where they ended up winning the league in their barn, against us and returning the 4-0 scoreline the other way. Ha. Good times. Dirty Steelers.

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Last museum I visited was the Art Institute of Chicago—Chinese porcelain, medieval weaponry, Monet, Renoir, and Sargent were highlights.

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Yesterday I went for a walk and there was an underage Gaelic football game in progress at the local GAA pitch on my usual route. It was U16 boys from my parish playing another parish from the same county (Gaelic sports clubs are by parish).

There were a few dozen supporters on both sides and it was a good game (I stayed til the end, which was about 20 mins after I arrived). I actually enjoyed it more than the senior men's matches as the kids seemed more focused on trying to play technically rather than just brute physicality.

Made for a nice Sunday walk!

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Last gallery was Wonderspaces in Philadelphia. Visited for the first time and spent the day at the historical sites (liberty bell, liberty hall, ect.). Then I had to drive about an hour and half for the hotel I was staying at that night, but it was rush hour and the weather was also so we decided to wait it out for a bit. Thanks to the tourist help desk, we got recommended Wonderspaces at a local mall.

Glad it worked out, because I had a blast. Each room of the two story exhibit was dedicated to a piece. Most of them interactive or mixed media in some way. Some really cool experiences to just sit and get lost in for a while. Making plans to go to more similar things on future travels.

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

The Neue Galerie in New York across from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I try to go there whenever we have a little time in New York City to visit Adele Bloch-Bauer. I also enjoy the other Klimts and I’m pleased that now I more fully get a joke in Back to School that I missed as I child.

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I had friends from out of state so I had to take them to the criminally underrated DIA. Wait did I say underated?


#1 baby!

Not #1 was my last watch of the Tigers, but I already have tickets to see next years Super Bowl winners. Go Lions!

Also, I think that nickelodeon porn is a real porn I saw once at the Prague Sex Machine museum!

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Go Lions indeed! Gonna get to see them in AZ in a couple weeks and then try not to be killed when they come to "SF" late in the season!

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Sep 9Liked by Brian K. Vaughan

Oh yeah, LOVE the DIA, too!

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The DIA is one of my favorite museums!

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